FnM Fitness
Reading Clubbercise Class

Dance your way to fitness!

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About Us

We decided to start our own class and inspire those around us to help get fit and stay fit! After being inspired by other instructors and the difference they made not only to ourselves but to those around us we knew we wanted to inspire people like us. Our instructor Liz had been fully qualified and can't wait to see you in her next class!
Read More About Our Classes

Our Glow Team

All of our team are people who have a passion for fitness, and for getting others fit in a fun way. The instructors are professionally trained and are constantly evolving their dances so everyone can enjoy it! 

Our glow team consist of: Liz (the instructor), Lisa, Chloe, Simone, Kerry, Kathy and Carmen (previously known as Paul). Any issues during the class these are your people! 

Liz Sims

Liz has been doing Clubbercise for 5 years and lost 10 stone so far! She's the leader for FnM Fitness and is dedicated to getting you fit!


Chloe Sims

Chloe is our dedicated tech person and receptionist, from the booking system to seeing you through the door she's there to help you join our clubber family

We also have our amazing glow team who come along with us and make sure you're all wooping and staying safe, we couldn't do it without our Lisa Loud, Sassy Sarah, Singing Simone, Crackshot Kathy and Howling Hayley. If you come along you'll see how they got their nicknames!!

Not Sure? No Problem!

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